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KMFA 89.5 is Austin's Classical music radio station. KMFA is one of a few stations in the U.S. that curates their playlist. A vast majority of stations across the U.S. play a single syndicated playlist creating a virtual sea of sameness. That's what makes KMFA so special. It's music is curated by Austinites for Austinites.
As part of our pro-bono rebranding project for them, we created a data visualization art project showcasing our unique connection to Austin. This fully functioning metronome is powered by the tweets of Austin area residents and reflects the beat of the city. The more tweets there are, the faster it moves. It lights up a night too. Not only is it backlit, but the arm itself changes color as the speed changes.
KMFA 89.5 is Austin's Classical music radio station. KMFA is one of a few stations in the U.S. that curates their playlist. A vast majority of stations across the U.S. play a single syndicated playlist creating a virtual sea of sameness. That's what makes KMFA so special. It's music is curated by Austinites for Austinites.
As part of our pro-bono rebranding project for them, we created a data visualization art project showcasing our unique connection to Austin. This fully functioning metronome is powered by the tweets of Austin area residents and reflects the beat of the city. The more tweets there are, the faster it moves. It lights up a night too. Not only is it backlit, but the arm itself changes color as the speed changes.
KMFA Metronome Case Study Video
The Metronome site not only features the same geo-targeted data the physical metronome displays, but goes a step further and breaks the data sets into sub-sets of food, sports, politics, and music, giving each topic it's own beat. We can scale up or down how many metronomes we want on the site at a moments notice enabling us to capture data on both broad and niche topics and see how they compare to the overall feeling in austin.